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12 avril 2010

II- B) The influence of Chinese revolutionary arts on Chinese contemporary fine arts

Concerning fine arts it seems that some contemporary work has been influenced by the revolutionary art. The style is kept but the meaning is distorted. This is often creating a comic effect.

(Some contemporary Chinese artists have been asked to express was does Dior stand for them. Here some Chinese officials in front of the catwalk.)

The XXth century have been a turning point in China history. Millenaries of imperial rule came to the end. The higly hierachized ancient society was replaced by the most strict egalitarian society even experienced in the word – with Russia.

But today, Chinese witness the failure of an ideology which do not even confess it has failed. Communism is still the official speech while the rules of the market & wild consumerism swept away all the ideologies.

How can’t the Chineses be cynical about this ? I think Chinese contemporary art today is a satyr of a Parti which sold its ideology on the market economy.

One of the trend of Chinese contemporary art have been nicknammed Cynical Realism. This name is very explicit. The artist use some recognizable features of revolutionary art. But they mix it with some bothering elements of the today’s China’s paradoxical situation. The result is very cynical.

Drawing, for instance, a bottle of Coca Cola, symbol of the american economic liberalism, in the hands of a Chinese worker is highly ironical.

Chinese contemporary art is desentchanting.

But the largest part of contemporary Chinese artists are focusing on the present : developing China. Thus most of the contemporary work is showing Chinese cities’ quick growth. Urbanism is the most common theme today.

(Chen Shaoxiang : scale model of the street in the street.)

( Wang Niandong : one could easily observe the obsession of Modernity in this painting.)

It seems that there is a sort of gap. Chinese artists do not claim the heritage of the revolutionary art. They are mostly focusing on the present & the future of China.

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