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14 avril 2010

I- What is Chinese Revolutionary Art ?

B) Exemple of Chinese revolutionary Arts

The Music

During the Mao era a lot of revolutionary songs have been composed. They gave rhythm to the Parti’s demonstrations, the military parades or, more simply, the daily life of the China’s people. Indeed, music has always been an easy tool to bring people together. It creats the same feeling in the listeners’ hearts. For instance, a Nation feels united listening for the national anthem.

The content of those songs, that is to say the lyrics, promote clearly the Parti & the ideology of the Socialism. For instance, the title of this revolutionary song is very clear :

“Socialisme is good” :

As for the form of the songs it is far from being revolutionary. Sometimes, traditional Chinese elements are used, such as folk instruments or even the traditional rhythm of the sounds & voices.

According to me, this is the case of “I love Beijing” :

But the form of some revolutionary songs do not use Chinese traditional music. Some musical elements are often borrowed from the westren culture. Indeed, classic instruments such as violins or the trumpet can be used in the military music. Opera-like voices can also be used.

This is the case in this song, more likely a military parade :

“The song of guerilla” :


To sum up, the content of those song is revolutionary but not the form which remains very traditional.

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